Soba Recovery Centers offer you sober living homes in Arizona and Texas that provide structure & accountability in recovery.
Many people think sober living means someone who lives in a halfway house. This is only part of sober living. Sober living is the ability to live each day without using addictive chemicals. Each of us, through our lives, whether we are directly aware of it or not, develop methods to deal with the stress of our daily lives. Some of these methods are healthy, such as taking a walk to think things out, and others are harmful to us, including the use of drugs and alcohol. Since both drugs and alcohol are addictive, the need for these chemicals can super cede in a short time the needs that drove an individual to use them in the first place. Soon, the focus of life becomes not relief from pain and stress but obtaining a continuing supply of these drugs. Everything else in your life takes second place.
Don't Wait Another Day. Take Action Today.
How We Can Help
Our Treatment Services
Many times the first step in the treatment process is detoxification, where dedicated team works to help rid your body of drugs & alcohol for good, in a safe & effective environment.
Intensive Outpatient
Soba Recovery offers intensive outpatient treatment as a step-down offered as a continued treatment with day groups to help aide in long-term recovery.
Residential Inpatient
Soba Recovery's core treatment program revolves around residential inpatient treatment - where we suggest a 30-day stay in order to effectively overcome substance abuse.
Outpatient treatment is offered as a continued care service, typically for those who have completed an inpatient and intensive outpatient treatment.
Partial Hospitalization
Partial hospitalization, or partial day treatment, is offered at all of Soba Recovery's programs as a step-down level of care after a client completes inpatient treatment or if they cannot attend an inpatient rehab.
Sober Living
The Soba Recovery sober living homes in Texas and Arizona offer clients accountability and a safe and sober environment where they can learn to recover for good.
What are you waiting for?
Your path to recovery begins here.
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How Sober Living Can Help
The Benefits of Sober Living Homes
Once someone truly realizes that the most important thing in their life is obtaining a chemical, one begins to look at the effects of this use on their life. Drug or alcohol use is expensive. Most people cannot afford this lifestyle for long without finding their major bills start to be unpaid. Most of us would pay certain bills such as rent or a car payment before other expenses. A person outside of sobriety will put obtaining his or her drugs first.
Drugs or alcohol may make you feel good for a time, but most drinkers quickly find only other drinkers want them around. Both your relationships and work performance suffer. These persons find it hard to make decisions and to face up to reality. This leaves them unprepared for any type of emergency. Those out of sobriety usually wind up missing event after event because they don’t pay attention to life around them. They miss out on so much.
A sober person does none of these things. They develop the confidence and resources to face what is going on in their lives. If they need resources, they choose healthy ways to find this help. They become successful and happy people without the overpowering need for chemicals.
The Soba Recovery Difference
Why Choose Our Sober Living in
Texas & Arizona
Soba’s Recovery provides a more complete program than other treatment regimes. Soba provides full medical care to work your way through withdrawal. Many addiction treatment programs will only take clients after they have completed their detox. We support our clients through detox.
Soba’s Recovery Program provides a midway program to support their clients from the withdrawal program to a halfway house or home. Many clients who try to withdraw find that they fail at the halfway house part of the program. They find they don’t have anyone to relate to at the halfway house, and may of the residents are further along than they are.
Soba Recovery does not discharge its clients into outpatient treatment until you are really ready. Soba Recovery follows through with their clients when they return home. Often, at this point, clients have to change providers. This does not happen at Soba Recovery. Our outpatient treatment continues after you return home. At no point during your recovery and treatment are you left without support, or the need to find a new program to finish your recovery.

Sober Living Homes You Can Trust
Structured Sober Living at Soba Recovery
Our staff are experts at designing a program that is special for each client. Each client has specific areas where they need support, and these often vary for each client. Soba Recovery does not offer a one-size-fits-all type of program. These programs move you through a set group of goals and learning situations, whether you are truly ready or not. They want to fill your time; this is often a poor approach to lifelong recovery.
Do you remember a time when your first thought of the day was not “I need my fix,” or “I need that drink to get out of bed?” When did the hunger for food and the need for human contact become replaced by the need for your drugs? Many abusers of drugs find it harder and harder to remember. These drugs you are overdosing on are also permanently damaging your liver and other parts of your body. If you catch the problem early enough, much of this damage can improve and stop being a major problem in your life.
Continue Your Journey of Recovery
Sober Living at Soba Recovery
Recovery from abusing alcohol or drugs is one of the most difficult things you will do. There is no need to try to succeed by yourself. That is generally a recipe for failure after failure, often making the problem worse. Our facility has been successful, and we will find a way to stay with you as long as you feel the need. We provide support so that if you find your thinking about using again, you know where to go for help. We are not here just to find patients for our treatment centers; we are looking for clients to support all of their lives.
Our staff are experts in finding ways to pay for your treatment. We take a variety of insurance, and many of our clients find that participating in addiction treatment is actually cheaper than continuing to use an assortment of drugs. While drugs continue to go up in price as you need more and more, and you may need to find illegal suppliers, our treatment costs decline as you continue treatment. Our treatment programs do not blame the client; instead, we concentrate on the improvements our clients are looking to complete.
If you have reached the point in your life where being sober is a lifestyle that you want to try, give our clinic a call today. We are ready to assist you in sobriety and change your life. The harder road is usually the right choice; Sober Recovery’s Sober Living Program will walk with you arm in arm until your addiction treatment is successful.