Why Group Therapy is Essential in Addiction Treatment

Fighting drug addiction on your own can be a difficult, if not impossible task. Addiction is real and its impact on your health, relationships, career, and more cannot be underestimated. Kicking your drug habit isn’t merely a matter of will and strength. Plenty of mentally strong people succumb to drug addiction.

Fortunately, you don’t have to face your addiction alone. Group therapy can be an immensely powerful tool for combating addiction and getting your life back on track. Group therapy can provide support, will nurture you, and will also help you stay accountable.

At Soba Recovery, group therapy is one of the regular tools we use to help people fight and overcome addiction. Let’s look at some of the many benefits and why it’s so important to the recovery process.

The Benefits of Group Therapy in Addiction Recovery

Be with Others

A sense of community is a powerful feeling. When you take part in a drug rehab group therapy session, you’re joining a community of like-minded folks who want to kick their bad habits. Most if not all of the people in your group therapy session are interested in addiction treatment.

This comradery will help provide emotional support as you go through withdrawals and suffer cravings. Those who have successfully kicked the habit can be a positive inspiration and can help you set goals. Emotional encouragement can help you when times get tough as well.

Learn from Others

Group therapy is a learning experience. You can learn about other people and their shortcomings, including when and where they struggle with substance abuse. It’s hard to see your own flaws and shortcomings. We develop blind spots.

Group therapy makes it easier to recognize your own blind spots and to develop a more objective understanding of yourself, other drug users, and addiction in general. This will help you find a clearer path forward.

Eliminate Isolation

Many drug users become isolated from family, friends, coworkers, and more. Some drug users rarely come into contact with anyone who’s not an active drug addict. This can make it very difficult to kick your habits. When you’re surrounded by temptation, you’re more likely to give in.

Being isolated can leave you emotionally vulnerable as well. Group therapy will provide an environment in which you can enjoy the company of other people. Importantly, while these people will be drug users, they are also actively seeking addiction treatment.

Reduce Bad Peer Pressure

Group therapy will encourage good peer pressure and help you stay accountable. While other addicts will be in the room with you, they won’t be pressuring you into drug use. Far from it, they’ll be on the same path to recovery with you and can often hold you accountable.

Meanwhile, if you spend a lot of time around active drug users, there will be constant pressure to use drugs again and to join the crowd. This can make it impossible to stay clean.

Get Peer Advice

Your fellow drug addicts have walked many of the same roads as you. They know the many pitfalls and shortcomings. They know of many of the dangers. And they often know when to debunk poor excuses. Your peers can be a vital source of information. Learn to lean on it.

Get Professional Advice Too

At Soba Recovery, many of the group therapy sessions are mediated by trained drug counselors and psychologists. These professionals will be able to offer neutral, insightful advice and can leverage their years of experience in addiction treatment. Professional insights can go a long way when it comes to drug abuse.

Our professional drug treatment experts are not judgmental. Many know people personally who have suffered from drug abuse. Addiction is a health problem and requires medical and psychological treatment. Fortunately, we can provide that.

Get Your Life Back on Track with Group Therapy

Finally, and most importantly, group therapy will help you get your life back on track. Your career, personal relationships, family, and peer groups have almost certainly suffered as a result of addiction. There’s no point in beating yourself up over it, instead, you should work hard to break the cycle of addiction.

Group therapy in combination with individual therapy sessions and detoxing will help you restore your body to its normal physical and mental state. Beating addiction is hard, which is why it’s best to utilize multiple methods to fight addiction.

Soba Recovery has helped numerous people fight and beat addiction. No treatment approach is ever the same and we all face our own demons. Yet with perseverance and effort, you can combat and overcome your addiction.

Group therapy is available to both the patients in our live-in clinic and also outpatients. Soba Recovery’s trained professionals can help you uncover and address the root causes of addiction. You don’t have to fight substance abuse alone, let us help you and take your life back!